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she doesn't find it weird they both went home and now he's where she is?
his neck is ripe for a wringing
even tho were in the army too let's just stand there and watch him fight
hmmmmmmmmmmm pt2
so he was testing how far he could push him?
what the FUCK does living like a cripple even mean?! always on some bullshit
girl he doesn't like u and he refuses to acknowledge u as an individual
modern Japanese woman puts on basic dress...foreign clothes lmao
she's not vindictive enough to curse someone 4 no reason
old grey is selfish n he was a part of d problem dat destroyed her in d 1st place he's not innocent
this chick sucks
terrible hospital
so unlikable
have sense dude, y did she say they were friends if she was bullied
this girl is too gullible n she doesn't learn
none of these characters are likable
1147 photos
28 11,2020 created

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