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ewww how old is this dude
bruh still makin bad choices
push this ol bitch out da way
projecting much
i wish people were just good
this is meg all over again
this dude is gay. if I can't have you that commoner can't have you either type beat
dumb chick is still touching the bed
dude has balls to come to a random woman and try to a force husband on her, who does that?
who let him into the cellar?
damn lmao you ugly little girl wtf is happening?
she didnt practice magic burned corpses still appeared
why is she telling the youngest child who is also injured instead of the parents?
hmmmm mess up my reputation more (which wasn't my prob to begin wit) for some messily written notes
oh goofy ass hurt herself
1147 photos
28 11,2020 created

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