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And two people misunderstand each other lul
Whyy do dicks have to be censored... *sad sigh*
Yass. You support that effeminate male. Yas.
Baby noooo youre not at fault!
Two baka parents and their super adorable child XD
Yas you go girlfriend! No shame in changing your sex. It's a huge change and you're so courageous!
Awww thats so cute its a whild yakuza boss taking care of kittens my heart
A Rainbow penis?? Ahahahaha XD
bromance and friendship
AAAAAHHH my heart it hurts with conflicting emotions sadness and worry and I CANT
AHAHAHA. "friendship"
wedding vow??!! (hopes)
Oh mai pretty boio
Didn't expect "Edge of Night" to appear here. Reminds me of Lord of the Rings it does.
yandere type
55 photos
05 04,2021 created

Winterlandkris's other album