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HAHAHA! Naru's imagination is a beautiful thing.
OMG. Mamoru. HAHAHAHA! Now that is some nice logic, there.
Sailor Narcissist!
Is it just me or does this manga feel like "Dr. Seuss wrote a yaoi"?
The brother complex is strong with this one.
Shingo! Stop being a dick to that child!
Every fan ever upon reading their fave book/manga haha
Omg those underwear!
I officially love this manga. "On fleek" hahahha perfect.
Yeah. That's a boner all right.
Gotta love a good dream. lol
Well. He DID say that. lolol
His expression hahaha
I know it's a 'stache but his guy will forever be: "Skull faced bartender" to me. haha
I love this freaking cat.
186 photos
02 10,2016 created

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