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I guess you were discovered! YOU WERE FUCKING IN PUBLIC!
Because of Senpai, Kae!!! Remember?!
NOT SENPAI!!! He ALWAYS loved Kae!! Fat or thin!
As much as I adore this art and premise... can Nemu NOT have FOUR ears please?
Um... you're losing me here.
Whoa. Did he put those nails inside that guy?!!
Um no.
Translation: I've always thought of you as someone I want to fuck. Probably a lot more than once. Duh.
Saliva is not lube.
Is it just me or does that pendant/key look like a uterus and ovaries? lol
I'd love to see how they go about continuing the royal lineage. hahaha
65 photos
23 10,2016 created

YaoiMom's other album