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I still get in awe whenever I see manager he is so sigh
this man is literally a work of art (regent wang)
rin stop staring at me like that he reminds me of megumi in another font, I may be in love
hes supa cute
gah dayum, he cleans up well when he isn't in those damn hobo clothes
my turn tae-seok
dojun is so gah dayum hot.... MY TURN TAE SEOK
karlyle youre just as bright and vibrant and lovely as ash if not more than ash TT
I know I should be focusing but a tired/mad/exhausted/worn out karlyle is SO HOT
them emo boys with them stupid emo boy outfits and stupid emo boy eye bags
megumi is my type
253 photos
24 08,2021 created

ryu's other album