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See? It's that simple. Just FEEL THE LOVE!
Hey ya pretty cool about it
That face is adorable!
Brave fella
I love it when yaoi doesn't portray women as useless bitches
I didn't see THAT coming XD He's truly devoted!
Well at least he's honest XD
That awkward stare
OH no I mean that's not what I meant. (The father is sold tho XD)
Wait.... what? XD
This reaction tho XD
"How should I kill you"
Honestly I would have said the same XD
Well that escalated quickly XD
Shin Ginu what a terrifying look you got there...
Feeling jealous?
Possessive much?
Wow. Meaningful
That's one way to look at it
A place where I dump all the photos when I'm too tired to organize
2366 photos
28 02,2017 created

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