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exactly preach it dan
naw I did not sign up for this
he gives me "ill beat up old ladies too" vibes like no doubt in my mind he would
bros really pulling up receipts from 3 years ago.... bruh and this was why y'all manipulated daon TT
there is no question about it ^^
um..... yeah no I dont like sam sorry
hes really saying "dont be selfish" when Eli is the one who has to die everytime just cos he wants t
boy what the hell
bro fr...? let me get there ill help u lei xi
bro why're they having a whole ass make out sesh??? WHAT AB UR HUSBAND? HIS FINGER?? HE YAN TT
umm yeah u do go grab some toast, put on some headphones and watch Netflix
ummmm I dont like him tbh
naur way
and y'all were all "soohyun this soohyun that" I want him gone from daon fr
144 photos
05 04,2022 created

ryu's other album