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This Manhwa’s ending dialogue or whatever. Are so hilarious makes me wanna give this a 10/10 rating.
Max, Our Slay Icon Sassy King (atleast better than this &$@*%#)
Wait, was the Dad a regressor too? Did he use the magic necklace ??? Can he see the future???
Boy! You didn’t even mean ruin her, I thought she kicked the bucket loooong ago
It’s a miracle that Amelia hadn’t been bumped off earlier, might be because she’s close to Legis
They look so pretty here. Truely a visual couple that slays. The art reminds me of old shōjo manga
Quite guy wrenchingly sweet, but I would’ve loved to see more of them to actually care.
I feel like her nickname should be translated as Trice, since her name is Beatrice. She’s beautiful
Beatrice and Max do care for each other, but realistically. They’re just as loving as Other siblings
I love this Manhwa because it portrays the reality of the sibling dynamic .instead of expectations
They would make a good couple if they had more chemistry. But other than the kiss not really
I’m in tears this is art
Why did this make me laugh
This isn’t even funny. I’d be terrified of my friends. They’re obsessed with her
See! He has more chemistry with her that the F**king male lead. They work well as a healthy couple
Ham Dan-I is so relatable it hurts. But yeah, it would feel like that
The lighting, the art and dialogue. It all combines to draw a sense of unease in Danny’s Soul
Aladdin Flashbacks
I add pretty art in the album for references, while commenting on the scenes
2124 photos
09 12,2022 created

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