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i don't trust that fucking dude he is so fucking sus
motherfucker u don't find that sus like fuck
oh wtf what what! i don't trust u man u suspicious
i feel like the maid is the one that cause the mother to go crazy that's my guess
oh hell no he give me psycho vibes
u r kinda ok but still, u can be sus as an angle in heave is i don't trust good people cause 2 face
he's sus but he's hot
wtf u mean i don't recall her telling u her name I'm i like losing it or what?
ohh there we go ask him i also want to know how he know your name
wait hold up i feel like he wants both house and my FL
well i did't know his goal but i know he had something in mind but wtf
hey hey don't turn harem on me cause now u give me it with this FL
yo he's sus she is our FL right? she didn't give her his name hes fucking suspicious
u r suspicious man i feel like your actual goal is her and not the ogFL
32 photos
11 01,2023 created

cold hearted's other album