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i think they're in love. just a hunch
this isnt "cute" its bittersweet but its so beautiful i cant
thats so cute i cant
he definitely overlooked the fact that sherly's crazy abt liam
charlie forgot to take into account that sherly is homo for liam and that he too wants charlie dead
him being jealous is cute
sherly's OBSESSED isnt he
the way he looks at him? i've never seen that expression on sherly's face
he really is whipped.. the distance from durham to london is quite big. to go there for liam?
i love their friendships
"i like you."
i dont trust his apologies but its still kinda cu-
little ilay and little tae talking omg ilay was so much more human as a kid
kill me now.
471 photos
01 02,2023 created

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