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adrien #1 fan
hes such a romantic if i were shihyeon i wouldve folded 40 chapters ago
when you love your man enough to kill everyone after his dad so they can both live peaceful lives
theyre too much for me
he doesnt even care about what shihyeon came to do he just wants him to stay with him i will cry
not exactly cute, but hajun has loved him for the longest time
"i only want a kid birthed by you two!" xiao shang talk yo shit
i like him .. mi xi come back soon or i will switch teams
hes pretending so hard to have no feelings for chaemin but then says smth like this
namwoo can treat even a piece of shit like junghyun well after that fight. i could never
i love seeing them interact. want them to be close to each other, not just yusung.
sobbing. one day they will be genuine friends
471 photos
01 02,2023 created

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