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looks like your typical isekai mc but he has me head over heels
mason in haley's body is amazing
they didnt know they were hiring the perfect actor for this scene
can we have MORE of this going forward. i dont mean him dying lmao but more where he surprises kang
he said "dw if doyoon is gay, he'd never go for you" even when he despises doyoon and i respect that
not him fucking them up for touching eui-joon
he never leaves crumbs
myungha's top energy is so much his interactions w a bully look romantic
myungha putting the fear of god into these hs kids
i hope he does
i like how much of a go getter he is when it comes to finding this mf
his loyalty never left for a second aw
hes always serving but i know smt is gonna go wrong
thats hot as hell ngl, him throwing that knife
hes the it boy of the year
they all ate that. cha eugenes jump was crazy
113 photos
19 02,2023 created

purin's other album