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tsukada will only break his promise not to fight if someone harms fujino and thats so cute
hes so badass honestly
my baby
hanmi my beloved
reading this for the second time even tho the plot sucks simply for hanmi, i always loved her
shes breaking the cycle and im proud
shes really milking this manipulation thingy
girlboss activities. im afraid shes gonna lose herself in all this revenge. whatever's left, that is
its a neat touch that the scales on the chapter art aren't balance
thats my boy show him how smart u are
think its cool how the conflict is with a girl and not a guy, its something different
love me a good enemies to lovers
i adore him im so sick of the cutesy type who let it go
hes so cool my belvoed
im torn between being like omg hes so smart and omg did he actually swallow that shit
113 photos
19 02,2023 created

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