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I love leo being jealous
ooooooooooh remember when his ex hated him going to mixers? and now he's jealous when leo goes lolol
so jealous for a guy who doesn't make a single move lololl
yea he has literally no right and hes currently being insufferable hope he improves
lin lang's jealousy is too cute to me. i hope this story stays fluffy.
asllkjlkd?? lin lang is so perfect
ko gives me the creeps
haha did chaeheon get jealous over the hickey? he probably thinks it was a lover who did it
love kyono
goddd theyre gonna be so incredible if they ever actually fall for each other
huh i cant tell if hes actually being possessive or if its smth else
i feel like he thinks of hanjun as his possession. it bothers me
deserved. i hope he starts losing his mind over yikyung bc i hate how one sided this shit is.
he has a terrible way of verbalizing his jealousy though -_-
343 photos
25 02,2023 created

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