Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. least HE gets it. XD
In a realistic setting they would both take turns to screw HER now, since she's got a female smell..
...well, talk about being an ungrateful and entitled little bitch. :D
Good riddance tho? I see no problems here.
...women are cancer. Big time. ovo
That's much too random, why the absolute change in feeling? Shoujo logic once again?
How is it her fault, really? He knew and STILL went with them, it's his own fault.
Shoujo logic, wtf
Dude, you got issues. Seriously.
So does she tho...
...they start it? Yeah, right. Joke of the century.
...she is ACTUALLY retarded. wtf fucking Tsundere bastard. Way to go and cock-block yourself! XD
...why, Hayase? Why?
Holy shit, how an she be so airheaded and not realize what she's doing there!? X'D
62 photos
15 07,2017 created

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