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HIGHEST FORM OF DOGEZA! I'm choking, wtf. So amazing. X'D
Well, two of the four seem to be having a good time here? X'D
"Let's just leave that ship alone!" this line cracked me up so hard. X'D
Also, just noticed...he took a damn picture of it. XD
Damn, he's good at holding back what he wants to say. WTF. Those faces are killing me. X'D
I wanna see that kick, SO badly! Nice wording, btw. X'D
...isn't that what defines a stalker to 99%??? o_O
Whatever you do, it's wrong, aye pal? XD
BAM! XD Such a heartless bastard, really.
Wait for iiit!
...where did he hide this tho??
810 photos
15 07,2017 created

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