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He’s so cute
Ouu jelly
Really, if he doesn’t react like IS IT REALLY FANTASY ROMANCE !!
First time where jealousy is cute OMG
I feel like this is for this album but I’m mad like Fredia for his audacity
Not the cp but Elena’s future bd
He was warm from the get go so I love a mans who goes after what he wants
She’s a true sister but mans isn’t even here and he is still possessive over bell lol
Ok while yes go Soar, I like this cunning bitch a little more cuz he’s not two faced - he’s my ml
They don’t have to be possessive possessive but this also includes jealous and it’s truly just for the moments where a character likes another and I love them bc I’m simple like that
348 photos
04 05,2023 created

imp's other album