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Fall for me.
He can’t go with you.
Can’t you understand why I’m jealous?
Don’t you ever put your fucking hands on what’s belongs to me again, got it?
I definitely won’t let him have you.
He’s mine.
Touch what’s mine one more time and I’ll make you regret it for life.
I didn’t want anyone to steal you away from me.
If anyone tries to steal him from me then I’ll kill all of them.
If anyone tries to steal him from me then I’ll kill all of them.
Don’t you even think for a fuckin’ second that you can do whatever you like to what’s mine.
No one else is allowed to touch you.
Don’t you dare touch those two ever again.
Shut up, all you talk about is your little brother. It’s getting annoying.
But his eyes were saying I’ll kill you.
I’ll prove to you that you are mine.
Please don’t touch him casually.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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