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If it could be just you and me, the. that’d be good.
Don’t come near him ever again.
I can’t let anyone else have you.
How did he seduce you? I’ll do it too.
What is your relationship with this senpai?
Don’t think you can get away so easily.
He belongs to me now. I’ll be taking him with me.
I’ll have to make it so you can’t run away from me again.
If I don’t do this you will run away again, right?
What should I do I really want to lock you up.
If it’s that hard to go back, how about I steal you away.
His eyes….
I fucked up. I’m the worst.
If you hurt him I will make you pay.
Do you normally kiss your clients?
The thought of you letting someone else touch you made my blood boil.
Don’t say anything anymore, about that guy.
Don’t you lay a finger on my lover.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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