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I thought I told you to give up on him.
This person is mine, mine and no one else’s.
Be that way only with me.
If you ever lay your hands on him again, I will take revenge for sure.
He’s mine, got that?
I will absolutely not allow you to go back to him.
I will chase after you, bound you. I won’t give up. Never.
I’ll just have to imprison you in this room you hate until you die.
I will never let you run away.
I told you not to let anyone touch you.
Are you alright?
You have to be careful not to get touched by others, not anyone, anyone but me.
He’s mine now, don’t touch him.
Excuse me, but what business do you have with my fiancé?
I won’t be able to let go of you anymore.
Don’t be touched by other people anymore.
Sorry, but he’s my man.
It can only be me.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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