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Don’t touch him.
Don’t look elsewhere. I’m the one you like, right?
In front of other than me, don’t smile like you’re happy,
I won’t hand him over to anyone.
Don’t touch him so casually,
Let him go.
Now I want you to think only of me.
If I could, I would chain you up and take you somewhere nobody could lay their eyes on you.
I won’t give you to anybody.
I’m your boyfriend, only look at me.
Mind telling me the reason why you’re being so forward
He’s mine now.
I said you’re my food and mine alone.
Give him back.
He’s Dangerous.
I’ll make you mine.
I don’t want other people to touch you casually.
I don’t want to hear a word from your mouth about that guy.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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