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Seems like you were enjoying yourself with another guy.
Are you cheating on me with that chick?
Shut up and come with me.
Don’t ever get yourself a girlfriend, okay?
You should only have sex with me.
It’ll make me jealous if you keep talking about him like that.
Stay the hell away from Tatara. Dumbass.
Well, are you satisfied now?
Why would you go to him? Did you think I’d be of no help?
Advice? Are you shitting me?
I’m gonna kill that bastard.
I asked if you laid a hand on him.
Who’s chosen one do you think you’re touching?
The idea that someone could touch you makes me so angry.
3 times. That’s how many times that giraffe touched your body.
Well, that’s a problem. After all, you’re mine.
I’m never letting you go again.
I’ll make you love me until it breaks you apart.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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