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Kotone is mine.
Don’t let anyone else touch you, keep your eyes only on me.
Who the hell are you?
It’s immature to say but don’t let other males touch you.
What were you taking about with him? You held his hand.
Naoto-San, I’m your what?
If it happens again I’ll make sure to destroy even your soul.
Stop saying my mate’s name with your nasty tongue.
Don’t ever see anyone who has anything to do with him.
I don’t want you to be close to that guy.
My adorable omega. All mine.
What are you doing to my life mate?
I won’t let you leave my side anymore.
The photo of the kiss. What was that?
I want all of you for myself.
It’s a date with me.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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