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Just to know that someone else touched you drives me crazy.
Where did they touch you? Tell me. I’ll erase everything.
Please be mine and mine only, always.
I want to tell the whole world that you belong to me.
I am the only one who can satisfy you.
I finally caught you, I’m not going to let you go again.
Why you were here with that guy, in this kind of place?
I don’t want you to care about anyone else but me.
If you ever do anything to him again, I’ll never forgive you.
You’ll this place and even live together with him?
I’ll never forgive anyone else who touches you.
This mark. He did this, didn’t he?
What must I do to have you all to myself?
I’m trying to be his boyfriend without the air quotes..
I don’t want you to date her or anyone else.
I’ll make you forget all about women.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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