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So no more use for me, huh?
There’s no way he’s thunk of you as a friend.
Are you going out with that guy?
Your everything belongs to me.
Don’t get too close to someone else’s property.
I think I don’t want you to go out with someone else.
I won’t give you to anyone.
As I said. He is mine!
He won’t wake up even if he does, just let him look.
You’re 100 years too early to touch him.
I’ll never let anyone touch you.
Don’t touch him. I won’t show mercy even if it’s you,
Don’t touch him.
Why do you only pay attention to the others.
Do you think he’s better than me? Don’t fuck with me!
Stop saying his name!
He’s my bride.
Never ever approach him!
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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