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Promise that you won’t fool around with women anymore.
I told you before that if you betray me, I would kill you?
So you want to leave my side now?
Didn’t you play around with those women last night?
Let me be jealous at least.
I don’t like you casually getting touched by people other than me.
I don’t want you going back to that guy as soon as I take my eyes off you.
What the hell are you doing?
You kissed that woman earlier, right?
You smell of another alpha.
I don’t want to share you with anyone.
You smell like a woman. I don’t like it.
Don’t let people touch you so much.
That’s my boyfriend.
Do you want to try out other people after getting a taste with me?
You can’t do that.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2902 photos
12 07,2023 created

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