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I know you love getting drilled like this.
I get to feel just how tight you are on me.
You wouldn’t stop thrusting your hips like this.
I know you love it when I pound you out like this.
Sorry, but I can’t stop.
My seed isn’t the only thing you can’t get enough of, now is it?
Do you know you’re covered in hickies?
I want you right by my side watching me.
It’s not so deep yet.
You need to take care of me more on the inside, okay?
You made yourself look nice for me, didn’t you?
When I move you into this position and pound you like this.
Be a family with me.
I’m gonna pour it into you.
I’ll impregnate you with my seed, take all of it, okay?
I love you, so I decide I’m gonna do what I want.
Can you hear how nasty this sounds?
I’m glad my dick was able to pleasure you where you like it.
I’m gonna make you mine kinda vibe
3581 photos
12 07,2023 created

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