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Q-Q Where's my bear??? I want a sweet bear of a man tooooooo
Personally, I hate feet, and would flip if someone touched mine... But Taesoo is so lovely and kind.
Cutie Sparkles is helping them out. Good job, Garam.
I made soooo many non-human noises
GYADDDDDDD. HOW IS SOOHA STILL ALIVE AFTER SEEING THAT???? Taesoo shattered my ovaries She was just keke'ing with someone on the phone and saying how she wont rush her son...
dont give up, my cuties
lol, that TN
................... i love them
you BITCH!!!! How DARE his ex say that to him. TAESOOOOOO YOURE FUCKING GORGEOUS.
Awww, sweetie. You big, precious thing, you.
Yallll.... she's the cutest thing
Everyone sing with me: "You got it, you got it bad..." Sooha is in DEEP
AAAAAAH!!! She's so cute!!
He's not okay. How do I know? Well.... I don't call him Sparkles for nothing. Boy aint shining.
YAAAAAAS, I LIVEEEEE. All is right in the world
The Lady and Her Butler
80 photos
26 11,2017 created

Shameless's other album