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JEEEEEEEEEEESUS, MAN!!! I wasn't ready
Our sweet, sugar, Taesoo got his feelings hurt!!! QQ Poor Sooha can't control the feels
Noooooo, not Teddy!!!! hahaha Don't take your frustration out on Teddy. Lol Teddy is mini Taesoo
Prob his Ex (Ms. Doh's) mom died. Thats why it hurts so much.
I think this is where her mom dies?
Raaaaaaaaaaah!!! What did Garam tell him???!!!
This damn sparkling, flower child. Glittery, beautiful bastard
lol her shoes, the laces
I feel like documenting every time Sparkles shines. lol
So true. Been there
I feel you, girl. But don't give up
Good ole Sparkles over there... sparkling.
I don't like her cuz I think she's the ex... but her dress is cute.
dontscreamdontscreamdontscream... nnnnnngh
The Lady and Her Butler
80 photos
26 11,2017 created

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