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Congrats, your magic laptop can now act like an *actual* *laptop*
wait was that boat just for show or did people actually fucking die in that panel?
THIS is how they should've done kdj! Just a big ol' "?" where his face should be!
well his Taoist name literally has "reckless" in it, so it's kind of expected
dude she wasn't able to sit on CHAIRS back at the church & u think she'll take a cookie w/o ur ok?
out of ALL the weird shit this guy's done you draw the line at practicing with a mirror?
You know, it still probably would've been faster for you to just carry her :/
girl don't say shit like that in front of the isekai'd kid. you'll give 'em ideas.
because that's not a girl. & you're probably gay. so congrats on not needing to resolve that phobia
Kanda's the living personification of dove cameron's boyfriend.
aaaand sometimes you need friends who give actual good advice! also the college experience.
sometimes u just have 2 have terrible friends give you terrible advice. it's the college experience.
That guy in the back looks SO tired. u can tell he deals w/ shit like this constantly from this guy
girl's going full disney princess with this lizard
Girl i dare you to google "can 2 girls have sex" you will be SHOCKED at the results.
they aren't blood related but that last panel shows a hell of a resemblance.
ohhh they're all dumb aren't they.
surprise! your coworker fucking hates acting so he'd actually prefer if you're in the spotlight
392 photos
06 12,2017 created

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