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Good friends will forgive you for murder, great friends will help you hide the body.
who knew manga fan translations could be so educational!
me: oh these little info bites at the end are so neat! TL: puts a whole ass thesis at the end
Narrator: Alas, Yuuto was the same kind of crazy, so his brother's warnings were in vain.
Sounds less like an effort issue & more like a "gym teacher wants to get sued" issue
mc: yeah sure I'm totally ready for your tragic backstory narrator: no, he was not.
carrot and stick method
yeah they've got to hurt like a bitch when it rains
title drop!
this man certainly made some Choices with his clothes today
He's going to cheer you up with the power of CRINGE!
I want to physically manifest into this comic & give him webnovel recs
Conan what the FUCK are you doing in China???
She clearly just wants an excuse to fight someone & tbh I can't blame her
"I'm helping you, not because it's the right thing to do, but bc it's GREAT advertising"
"there r no shortcuts, just experience" "yeah I just took a shortcut"
This kid could be the protag of an entire sports anime
392 photos
06 12,2017 created

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