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It seems he used to have a bf but the guy he went out with and loved cheated on him.
Lucky DG he can't gain weight no matter how much he eats lel.
Well now this guy knows, you slipped up, DG.
DG sure knows a lot about this guy.
Well DG found out but still he is a perv for watching that stuff though.
Dong-Gyun is his full name from DG. I'm just call him DG
Yep you sure have DG.
DG this guy is my fav character well DG is his pc name lol and he's my fav character.
Wow Iku has really fallen in love with this guy.
Iku this pretty guy with light hair is my fav character in this couple!
He really loves you, Taira.
I love this type of couple. Their The Perfect Couple.
Taira is a monster, a wolf in sheep's clothing alright.
Yep now i'm sure Taira loves him too.
Wow this guy really cares about Taira. Taira loves him I think, but he defiantly loves Taira.
Well now we found out the reason why you were having those dreams, but now Taira and him are a item.
He saved you Taira and he was right.
Wow Taira is amazingly strong.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created