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Nevermind his name is Taira
Kusehara this kid is my fav character in this and dreaming about having sex with this guy he loves.
It seem that he loves you too Izumi, The Perfect Couple.
Izumi is my fav character in this couple!
Toru has great friend well other then one of them.
This is no good for you Toru.
Poor Toru, one sided love.
Poor Toru I feel really bad for him.
Poor Toru, this guy he shouldn't have fall for someone so self cantered.
This is horrible.
Toru agreed to do it once.
Oh no, Toru.
Yeah your glasses friend is right, your way cuter then her Toru, with your face.
No it's the other way around with Toru.
Poor Toru falling in love with your friend is hard.
Yep the glasses guy your friend was right Toru.
Toru this light haired guy is my fav character in this couple!
Wow Yukiya is rich!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created