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Poor Hitomi she's fallen for a playboy.
He kissed Hitomi.
Yeah why do you care about Hitomi.
It seems Hitomi has fall for that guy.
I guess he really doesn't care what Hitomi does considering his looks and personality.
Of course he already has a girl he loves.
He kissed her back.
Hitomi thanked him for saving her with a kiss.
Yeah Hitomi isn't that type of girl.
So he isn't the guy Hitomi used to know
He's destroying her memories of him and her.
He remembers you Hitomi
Hitomi is pretty and popular huh.
Wow this guy cheated on her it's better for Hitomi to move on, at least with this one.
Hitomi this girl is my fav character in this couple!
Yukino this girl Miwa's friend is my fav character in this couple!
Miwa has a child now
Miwa this girl is my fav character in this couple!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created