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Awwh they're back together :)
Sawa is really hurt :(
Sawa is going to date another guy so nothing even worse will happen to this guy the one she loves.
Sawa will go out with this guy to save the guy she loves.
Sawa said she loves him and he forgave her.
Sawa finally remembers and he left her in and hugged her.
Oh so Sawa protected him huh when he was a kid
He just kissed Sawa
Why, won't you let Sawa go?
Poor Sawa, he brings back bad memories huh :(
Wow Sawa cares about him
Sawa finished it all in one day wow!
.. Sawa doesn't belong to anyone right now, especially not you...
Oh so Sawa is really strong that's why she can't get a hate that's why she hates judo.
Wow Sawa was strong in judo ;O
Sawa is forced by I guy that knows her, but she forgot, to join the Judo club as manager.
xD wants Sawa to be the manager and she was the one girl in the school who didn't want to do it.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created