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:) these kids are so sweet to Shinobu. un like that sick kid .-.
Wow he really loves you Shinobu
Poor Shinobu and yeah that's true
Shinobu is my fav character
This black haired kid is my fav character:3
Wow Oda loves Ichikura
Oh Ichikura your a teacher
Oh really
Wow Ichikura you've got an ex-lover that's a guy ;3
Ichikura is my fav character ^-^
The kid with the light hair is my fav character
xD what kind of monster is he lol poor Syuu
xD No he is not
xD Poor Syuu
Oh so Syuu is Aiko's nickname
Poor Syuu having to six next to the foreigner xD
Aoki Syuu is his full name :3
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created