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Awwh Aoki got a kiss from the foreign guy ;3
Aoki this cute, shy did is my fav character in this couple ^-^.
The Dark haired kid is my fav character in this couple
xD Tateishi Kanaga got a love confession from a popular guy xD
I hate the glasses guy, it's all his fault .-.
Tateishi Kanaga is so cool
Wow Tateishi Kanaga
My fav character in this couple's full name is Tateishi Kanaga
The kids name is Kanaga
The dark haired kid is my fav character in this couple ;3
Well you are dating now and he cares about you.
I'm sure he is looking for you.
Awwh Takashi is so adorable ;3
wow ;3
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created