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Hito is his name.
This guy with the light hair is my fav character in this couple and this man helped him.
Keita and this guy are finally a couple and are happy, the perfect couple!
Keita this guy with the dark hair is my fav character in this couple!
Yeah Kai isn't an ordinary human from all that.
It's the guy Kai has been having that dream about.
Kai this cute guy is my fav character in this couple!
Yuuto loves this dog lol.
Yuuto this cute kid that loves this dog is my fav character in this couple!
and he's even rooting for DG and Alex.
He even saw DG and Alex kissing in the car xD
He also just found out that Alex is the one DG is dating. lol
DG is really happy he's crying, his friend is okay with it, that he's gay.
Oh no.
DG is finally going to tell this important friend he is gay and has a bf.
He loves Sakura too.
Poor Sakura falling for this guy all those 6 years ago.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created