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Yeah you should've and you might catch a cold because of him..
He even remembered Sakura's favourite drink.
Wow he didn't clean up the stain Sakura made back then.
Now Sakura meets him again after those year and now she is also a teacher.
The only one who fell back then when they were going out was Sakura, now they meet again.
Sakura this girl is my fav character in this couple, he loved this teacher and he broke her heart.
Wow Kou's friend is mad at him.
Kou is so lively.
Kou is his name
This guy with the black hair and that loves sweets is my fav character in this couple!
Kondou this light haired guy is my fav character in this couple!
Poor Kai it seems that beauty already has someone.
Wow this beauty is gay.
Preparations? lol
xD Kai talked abou that girl sleeping with this beauty, but this beauty ask if Kai would come.
Oh yeah, you caught this guy for her xD.
xD Kai got asked out for a meal by this beautiful guy he caught lol.
xD Nice one Kai, you caught him.
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created