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Yes, Felix, shove it in his pretty face!!! Don’t make him forget Athy!!!
Lucas looks so fine!!!
You’re so right Your Majesty, everything else seems wrong!
Oh my gosh! Don’t be carried away by evil, Princess!
Shi—.. I knew it… this jerk bastard!!!
Looking fine there Mister… though I think you’re an scumbag villain.
Oho~ Baby sure is growing up nicely!
What is this b-… Is she for real and just being used?! However, I still don’t like threats to Athy…
Go Claude!!! I’m loving you more and more!!!
You go and tell off this white lotus Claude!!! This is also for your precious Athy!!!
This boy looks good but he feels too evil! Even the murderous Claude and Lucas aren’t like this…
I want to see what face she makes in front of others when she’s mad! Does she look like Claude?
Oho~ Felix be lookin’ so good!!!
Is this man a god? He’s definitely a god! <span class="emoji e
Looks so good!!!
This man too, looks so very good…
This man looks so perfect!!! I’m glad Diana is described as also the most beautiful so they match!!!
You also look very pretty today, your majesty!
207 photos
24 04,2019 created

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