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HA! the crowd fallin alseep X3 blue is just sittin there blankly '....' ^w^
X3 porygon is cute though
"its mickey mouse" that line XD
HAHAA! look at the gyrados's face!!! when the seed hits it XDDD
what the hell XD onix crumbled apart XD why did it do that lmao.
i love this guy XD this is my favorite line i have ever heard in a manga!!!
Dah fak are they doin'
so his chastity is in danger? i doubt it. talk about over-protective.
HAHA! falling for that trick!
this is cute XD idk why but i just wanted to put it here in comedy sweep.
waay to look down on your best friend there buddy.
getting a text from a guy you're in love with but you can't believe it's true that you love them.
just.... okay.
otaku stamina... its very low.
XD oh he's in denial alright.
such laugh. much funny.
461 photos
01 09,2015 created

Scarla's other album

  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos
  • drama kings

    read this and think about how pitiful life is.

    145 photos