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this guy.... XD
first he tells him to not be a stalker then he asks his blood type... so cute and funny~!
dress to impress.... or so they say.
this women.... (edit: Wait! turns out that's a guy.. you can never tell the gender of a character...)
ahaha! so cute!
waaaay too obvious
haha! thats the way to get your friend to study
lmao, i'm sorry but that "Fuck off" XD priceless
would you really say that to your seme.. the guy who puts it in you?
cute and funny XD
careful where you touch ppl :3
that was easy XD
girls are sparkly.
HES 32?!?!?!?!
she's thinking too much.
XD [the invisible people ]
such laugh. much funny.
461 photos
01 09,2015 created

Scarla's other album

  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos
  • drama kings

    read this and think about how pitiful life is.

    145 photos