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I'm always watching you 0w0
tanaka.... the only guy who hates to get chocolate....
stare-------------- *laugh* i enjoy staring at people... idk why but my eyes wont blink... 0-0
........ i enjoy stupidity.
i need a signature pose.....
tanaka.... i want to be him....
=.= spelling a word in a game.... amazing tanaka.
*becomes listless* seems like listlessness is a great thing... i will try it.... =.=
what was with that scream!!!! why did he scream *cry&laugh at same time*
ripping off both dbz and one piece..... okay.
aww.... so cute!!!
he lost his confidence as a man....
ah... she ran away... sorry miss president you don't get a real name! just president!
behold- A TRUE TRAP!!!
maybe i should try crossdressing too.... but i don't have a sister to borrow cute clothes from...
Such a cruel sister to make her brother do that... SHES AWESOME!!!!
idk why but this made me laugh.... oh well... *begins reflecting on sense of humor*
these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.
343 photos
03 09,2015 created

Scarla's other album