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the clingy type??
hmm... pretty art.
this picture is incredibly amusing to me.... idk why.
no fucks given.
uwaah XD that's cute, he seemed flustered!!!
someone seems a little fussy~ <3
he's quite adorable sitting there.... very nice greeting.
Women love drama~! lets watch some drama~!
i love linley's face when he releases the gravity field~!
honestly... that is weird.
i'm unaware of my limits... maybe one day when I am grown up, will I know myself?
well then... shall we see him take responsibility?
CHROME SHELL REGIOS?!?!? I'VE WATCHED THAT BEFORE!!!!! i recommend it, its a great action anime <3
that bunny ain't lookin too happy...., bunny with an attitude!
this page is really cute... X3 idk how but it's really cute and a tad funny... X3333
It's gonna be an anime... I need to look this up pronto!!!!!!
Kimura I think his name is? He's already assumed guilty.. How sad.
these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.
343 photos
03 09,2015 created

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