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Suicune appears!!! WEEE
daamn, gold's togepi is a badass!
i love gold's glasses, and bugsy has a much happier personality than I thought he would.
sorry but pika and yellows pose at the bottom of the page, just "sassy" and "badass" mixed together
haha,poor yellow, she can't get them to listen to her! blue doesn't expect much from her either.
kitty is following his leaf oblivious, and pika is trying to makes sure kitty doesn't kill himself.
where is he getting these probs from....
anyone else hate when this happens.
Haha... almost shau... almost
evil teachers!!!!! EVIL!
mcdonalds!?!?!? bring me back some!!!
let a man read a book, geez....
he's sparkly.... *sparkle sparkle*
this is just sad XD ayumu the ghostly candle holder.
lol, he picked up the desk~!
these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.
343 photos
03 09,2015 created

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