Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable., thats a parasite for ya...
thats right sion, just cause you're naked doesn't mean nezumi is 100% happy. he should be though.
poor sion... he looks cuter as an albino though.
honestly, this isn't what i would shout at someone who was on the brink of death
oh shit... some shit is going down now.
nezumi looks so entertaining, and geez, sion looks like he got a mouthful of you know what.
again, best love confession ever.. aside from the charlotte one~
nezumi, you're a little too close to his face there....
i don't think it is... shion needs his head rechecked!
haha, i love the way nezumi looks~
how to react to bullies, she's a clever one! though i can't understand her love confession later...
she's trying to protect you you dumbass, she's in pain too, but she's not showing it.
dark skinned princess, that's a nice turn. SHE LOOKS LIKE AN ELF!
linley's maid... she's officially stupid, and funny.
i love the way linley looks~!
why is his maid so flighty?
randomly getting touched by another guy like that, made him start getting hard but still scared him!
it got fat, than exploded! (turns out it's a female!)
these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.
343 photos
03 09,2015 created

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