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#1 f-fuckkkkkkk
#3 "i've liked you, all the same." //bawling at the corner
#2 ugh this moment just makes me clench my heart
#1 referencing what senpai used to say to him... TuT
Part timer-kun in the background is so ME. i feel that XD
#2 "dude u straight up wrecked my ass, yea u better like me."
#1 Aww :')
really cute scene between the couple <3 (also i love how grandpa is already used to it XD)
#2 god im squeezing my heart over how cute this bed talk is >///<
#2 stuff like this really makes it feel like the couple might actually...//gasp love each other?!
166 photos
14 12,2019 created

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