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uwaaa-hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! I adore this fujoshi villainess,& her |-bl conviction
flowery enough for bl, ne?!
workmanship, beautiful character design...
a little for everyone to drul over! hummm: megane
yep, yep, salaryman/CEO factor... agreed it works...
neh! the hype will never die down... thank heavens!
bl-rules!Fujoshis R blessed By Heavens Eternal
what a reasonable compromise...
aaawwwwwww! how sweet 1st. doki! moment... -shounen moment- ('cos shounen rules) heh-heh.
mirror, mirror... is the tsundere or the yandere the prettiest of them all?! one & the seme??!= same
waaaaah.... what incredible style -what artistry-... superb character design!
kekeke, he just turned up the vampire 'charm'... oh man, them sparkles, ohoho -manga-life-rules-!!!
heheheheheh, hahahahahahah! gy-ahahahahahahahah!...
I wouldn't argue with that assertion!!! Fufufu.
i understand why vampires fear this criminal, his yandere & looks factors = off chart (uff chart)
well, us humans like to eat something we can sink our teeth into, and is delicious looking to boot.
i like assertive, gyahahahahahahah!
uwaaa... is it a boy or girl?! i don't care either way, beautiful is beautiful, regardless...!!!
shoujo-ai x shounen?!
1783 photos
29 01,2020 created

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