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'bish in water' - 'bish in a bowl... of water!'
are you? are you really??! 'cuz it looks like you might B about 2 make him cry some not
wtff...!!! looks like onii-san Rami... ky-aaaaaahahaha
hummm... 3 guesses why... key words 'neko, itadakimasu, fu...!!! ... thank-you...
like 'bish' in water... heheheh!
aaaw!! poor, poor bish... wanting sweets he cannot have, doctor visits can be 'painful' poor patient
-Meiji era- power restored to emperor (previously shogun ruler)... Era of 'restoration'
hahahahaaaaah! what a lovely turn of phrase...
pearls of beautiful wisdom
wait for the next one, wisdom of karma...
... and i guess the emperor is just like 'sakura'...
1783 photos
29 01,2020 created

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